Take Control of Your Water Bills – Embrace Water Conservation!

At BCWA, we understand that water usage varies based on personal habits. As a result, your bills may fluctuate accordingly. The good news is, you have the power to influence your water consumption and take control of your bills.

Here are some valuable tips to help you lower water usage at your property:

  1. Install Water-Saving Devices: Consider adding water-saving devices to your fixtures, such as low-flow showerheads, aerators, or high-efficiency toilets. These upgrades can significantly reduce water usage without compromising your daily routines.
  2. Embrace Conservation Habits: Simple conservation habits can make a big difference. Turn off faucets when not used, fix leaks promptly, and only run dishwashers and washing machines with full loads.
  3. Opt for Smart Landscaping: Choose drought-resistant plants and implement efficient irrigation systems for your garden or lawn. This ensures that water is used wisely outdoors.

By implementing these practical conservation measures, you can positively impact your water consumption and save on your bills. At BCWA, we encourage responsible water usage and support your efforts toward a more sustainable future.

How can I lower my bill and conserve water?
Category: Customer Service
How can I lower my bill and conserve water?
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Our flushing program starts on 4/14/24Click here for more information