Water Meter Program Update
February 2020
Our water meter replacement program has been progressing well. To date we have replaced approximately 90% (almost 16,000 of the 17,000) of the water meters in our system. The new meter technology is enabling us to read meters in a much more efficient manner and better aid customers in managing their water use.
Water loss through leaking toilets or faucets continues to be the main reason for high water bills for many customers. These new meters have helped us assist numerous customers in tracking down the cause of unexpectedly high-water bills. While we try hard to notify customers of possible leaks, the damage is done and high costs are incurred before we become aware of it. Each customer should learn how to check their plumbing fixtures and make it a point to do so periodically.
Don’t get left out!!!! If you have not yet had your water meter replaced, please contact our customer service office at (401) 245-2022. Our service staff is ready to assist you in setting up an appointment that fits your schedule. The typical installation takes approximately 20 minutes and best of all there is no cost to you for the meter or the installation! All we ask is that you make sure that our serviceman has clear, unobstructed access to the water meter’s location.