At BCWA, we encourage responsible water usage and conservation. To help you identify potential leaks and prevent unnecessary water waste, we’ve compiled some essential tips for leak detection:

  1. Check Faucets and Piping: Regularly monitor all faucets and exposed pipes for any signs of water drips or leaks. Perform inspections with the water both on and off, as some leaks may only become apparent when a faucet or valve is in the open position.
  2. Food Coloring Test for Toilets: An effective method to detect hidden toilet leaks is adding a few drops of food coloring to the toilet tank. Do not flush the toilet. If the food coloring seeps into the toilet bowl, it indicates a leak. Some toilet leaks can be intermittent, so this test helps to catch hidden issues.
  3. Monitor Basement Plumbing: Keep an eye on plumbing in your basement for any drips from exposed pipes. Leaks may occur behind walls or in concealed areas, so vigilance is key.
  4. Meter Leak Indicator: Your water meter has a leak indicator, helping you detect leaks efficiently.

By being proactive in leak detection, you can preserve water, reduce your water bill, and contribute to a greener, more sustainable community. For more leak detection resources and information, visit our website or contact our knowledgeable Customer Service team at 401-245-2022.

How do I check for leaks?
Category: Customer Service
How do I check for leaks?
IMPORTANT NOTICE! Our flushing program starts on 4/14/24Click here for more information