2018 Water Main Renewal Project

“Dead end” sections of water main cause problems in a distribution system.  Stagnant water degrades in quality, which can lead to bacterial growth or increased disinfection by-products in the water.  The water can become poor tasting and even discolored, if the pipes are made of unlined cast iron.

Connecting these dead ends to allow water to flow through can resolve these issues, and also provides homes with better reliability of service, since fewer customers will be without water during an emergency repair.  The amount of water available during a fire event is also increased.

The BCWA distribution system, unfortunately, has many “dead ends”.  We have made a commitment to correct these problem areas by installing new water mains to connect several dead ends each year.

Old cast iron water mains can become encrusted with iron buildup, causing customers to receive discolored water from their taps. New ductile iron water mains are lined with concrete to prevent future corrosion of the inside of the pipe. BCWA also installs water mains made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) when a smaller size main is required (less than 6” diameter).
Old cast iron water mains can become encrusted with iron buildup,
causing customers to receive discolored water from their taps.
New ductile iron water mains are lined with concrete to prevent future corrosion of the inside of the pipe. BCWA also installs water mains made of high density polyethylene (HDPE) when a smaller size main is required (less than 6” diameter).


Water mains to be installed/replaced as part of the 2018 Water Main Renewal Contract:

Street name Size/ Material length/Feet



East end of Crown Ave. and north end of  Townsend Street Map 6” DI 600 Replace cast iron main, connect dead ends, add a new hydrant.
Lantern Lane Map 6” DI 1440 Replace cast iron mains, connect a dead end.
Ronald Road Map 2” HDPE 460
Vincent Paul Drive Map 2” HDPE 480
Salisbury Road Map 6” DI




Replace cast iron main, add a new hydrant.


Fatima Drive at National Grid easement Map 6” DI 280 Connect dead ends, improve flow.
Ridgeway Drive at National Grid easement Map 8” DI 350 Connect dead ends, improve flow.


San Miguel Drive, Hawthorne Ave to Normand St Map 8” DI 200 Connect dead ends, improve flow.
San Jose Drive, at San Antonio Ave. Map 8” DI 140 Connect dead ends, improve flow.
Hopeworth Avenue, Evelyn to Willow Map 6” DI 450 Replace cast iron main.
Erickson Lane, at Viking Drive Map 6” DI 200 Connect dead ends, improve flow.
Evelyn Drive, at Clipper Way Map 6” DI 200 Connect dead ends, improve flow.
TOTAL   5800  


Our offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of the holiday