Water Main Replacement in Cutler Street, South Cutler Street and Mulberry Street, Warren

This project included the installation of approximately sixteen hundred and fifty feet of new 8-inch diameter ductile iron water mains in Cutler Street and South Cutler Street in Warren, RI. This replacement of 6-inch cast iron mains installed prior to 1935 increased the flow and fire protection in this area and eliminated discolored water in the area.

Also, as part of the work, a two inch plastic main was installed in Mulberry Street, Warren. This main serves only a few customers but will replace a larger cast iron main that was sized to serve an old mill complex.  It had become heavily tuberculated due to the reduced flow in this dead end.


Old cast iron water mains can become encrusted with iron buildup, causing customers to receive discolored water from their taps.
Old cast iron water mains can become encrusted with iron buildup, causing customers to receive discolored water from their taps.
New ductile iron water mains are lined with concrete to prevent future corrosion of the inside of the pipe.
New ductile iron water mains are lined with concrete to prevent future corrosion of the inside of the pipe.




Our offices will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of the holiday